Libri Acquaviva

Libri Acquaviva
poesia, romanzi, racconti, filosofia

giovedì 16 maggio 2013


Fino a quando ve ne starete da vigliacchi 
a far nulla?
Suvvia, quando vi verrà il coraggio, giovani?
Non vi trafigge la vergogna dei vicini,
mostrandovi così deboli?
Per voi c'è la pace
ma la guerra infuria nel paese.
Che si combatti allora
e con l'ultimo fiato
si scagli ancora l'ultima freccia!
Siano onore e gloria agli uomini
che lottano in difesa della patria,
dei figli, della sposa,
contro i nemici!
La morte non arriva se non quando le Parche
l'abbiano filata.
Ognuno si porti avanti,
levando in alto la sua lancia
e sotto lo scudo protegga
il suo cuore coraggioso
alla prima grandinata dei colpi.
Non può sfuggire alla morte l'uomo,
neppure se è generato da stirpi immortali.
Molte volte, fuggendo la mischia
e il fracasso della battaglia,
torna alla propria casa un uomo
e là lo coglie una squallida fine,
senza l'amore e il rimpianto del popolo.
Invece umili e grandi hanno pietà
dell'uomo valoroso che soffre,
e molto lo piangono il giorno che muore.
E da vivo l'eroe è pari a un semidio,
simile a una torre splende grandioso
davanti ai loro occhi,
poichè da solo
compì gesta
come se fosse una moltitudine.
(versione di Giuseppe D'Ambrosio Angelillo)


"Al cimento si conosce il vero oro."

da PensieriParole


"Non c'è regalo più gradito
che Dio mi possa fare
se non l'illusione
di credermi migliore".

mercoledì 15 maggio 2013

EMILY DICKINSON Io sono nessuno poesia


Io sono nessuno! Chi sei tu?
Sei nessuno anche tu?
Allora siamo in due...
non dir niente!
Ci bandirebbero, lo sai bene.

Come è orribile essere qualcuno!
Come è osceno, come una rana
che dice il tuo nome
per tutto il giorno
a un pantano in ammirazione.
15 maggio 1886
oggi l'anniversario della sua nascita

venerdì 10 maggio 2013

Alessandro Manzoni I PROMESSI SPOSI romanzo ACQUAVIVA

That branch of the lake of Como, which extends towards the south, is enclosed by two unbroken chains of mountains, which, as they advance and recede, diversify its shores with numerous bays and inlets. Suddenly the lake contracts itself, and takes the course and form of a river, between a promontory on the right, and a wide open shore on the opposite side. The bridge which there joins the two banks seems to render this transformation more sensible to the eye, and marks the point where the lake ends, and the Adda again begins - soon to resume the name of the lake, where the banks receding afresh, allow the water to extend and spread itself in new gulfs and bays. 

The open country, bordering the lake, formed of the alluvial deposits of three great torrents, reclines upon the roots of two contiguous mountains, one named San Martino, the other, in the Lombard dialect, Il Resegone, because of its many peaks seen in profile, which in truth resemble the teeth of a saw so much so, that no one at first sight, viewing it in front (as, for example, from the northern bastions of Milan), could fail to distinguish it by this simple description, from the other mountains of more obscure name and ordinary form in that long and vast chain. For a considerable distance the country rises with a gentle and continuous ascent; afterwards it is broken into hill and dale, terraces and elevated plains, formed by the intertwining of the roots of the two mountains, and the action of the waters. The shore itself, intersected by the torrents, consists for the most part of gravel and large flints; the rest of the plain, of fields and vineyards, interspersed with towns, villages, and hamlets: other parts are clothed with woods, extending far up the mountain. 

Lecco, the principal of these towns, giving its name to the territory, is at a short distance from the bridge, and so close upon the shore, that, when the waters are high, it seems to stand in the lake itself. A large town even now, it promises soon to become a city. At the time the events happened which we undertake to recount, this town, already of considerable importance, was also a place of defence, and for that reason had the honour of lodging a commander, and the advantage of possessing a fixed garrison of Spanish soldiers, who taught modesty to the damsels and matrons of the country; bestowed from time to time marks of their favour on the shoulder of a husband or a father; and never failed, in autumn, to disperse themselves in the vineyards, to thin the grapes, and lighten for the peasant the labours of the vintage... 


in italiano on 

Dante Alighieri LA DIVINA COMMEDIA Acquaviva

There is a Gentle Thought 
There is a gentle thought that often springs
to life in me, because it speaks of you.
Its reasoning about love’s so sweet and true,
the heart is conquered, and accepts these things.
‘Who is this’ the mind enquires of the heart,
‘who comes here to seduce our intellect?
Is his power so great we must reject
every other intellectual art?
The heart replies ‘O, meditative mind
this is love’s messenger and newly sent
to bring me all Love’s words and desires.
His life, and all the strength that he can find,
from her sweet eyes are mercifully lent,
who feels compassion for our inner fires.’